November 1st
All Saints’ Day, also known as All Hallows’ Day, is a Christian festival celebrated in honor of all the saints.
November 2nd
In 1947, Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose" (flying boat) flew for the first and only time in Long Beach Harbor, California. It soared 70 feet off of the ground for about a mile. Hughes built, flew, and designed this eight-engine, 200-ton wood plane which was the biggest in the world, at the time. It’s expenses totaled to $25 million.
November 3rd
In 1957, Soviet Russia sent a dog named Laika into outer space, in the capsule Sputnik II, making her the first animal in space.
November 4th
In 1922, after countless years of research and exploration, British archaeologist --Howard Carter-- found King Tut's tomb in Luxor, Egypt.
November 5th
In 1733, John Peter Zenger published the first issue of the New York Weekly Journal. During Colonial America, he worked as a printer and journalist.
November 6th
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of The United States. As the first Republican and 16th president, he is widely known for his issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation, which abolished slavery.
November 7th
In 1967, Carl Stokes was elected mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. He became the first African-American mayor in U.S. history.
Nov. 8-14
November 8th
In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen discovered electromagnetic rays (X-Rays) at the University of Wuerzburg in Germany.
November 9th
In 1965, the Night of the Broken Glass, or Kristallnacht, commenced in Germany. This was the night where people burned and destroyed Jewish shops, houses, and synagogues.
November 10th
In 1775, the U.S. Marine Corps was created as a section of the U.S. Navy. In 1789, the Marine Corps became its own unit.
November 11th
This is Veteran’s Day in the United States. People pay their tributes to former and current members of the military on this holiday.
November 12th
In 1974, due to the apartheid, South Africa was suspended by the U.N. General Assembly.
November 13th
In 1927, the Holland Tunnel was open to transportation, becoming the first underwater tunnel in the U.S. The Holland Tunnel was constructed under the Hudson River.
November 14th
In 1840, Claude Monet, a famous, French artist was born. He developed impressionism through his works of art which include the Haystacks, Poplars, and Rouen Cathedral series.